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Foundations of Practice


My Passion is vibrant living from the inside out!  What does that mean? It means living a truly nourishing life by being fully present in your body, in your relationships and in your mind.


Life has taught me that every moment filled with doubt, anxiety or pressure can be used as a catalyst for a fresh start.  I understand the weight and frustration of feeling like there is more out there for you, but not knowing where to turn to first. That’s why my mission is simple: I support and teach my clients how to be nourished, inside and out.   First, we find your “why”, then second, the tools and resources needed to feel happy, healthy, and capable of navigating life.  


Foundational to my coaching practice is the belief that living a harmonized, nourished life is achieved by aligning our life, our body and our mind as one.  


Through an integrative approach rooted in clean eating, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral psychology you will have the tools needed to create harmony in all aspects of your life.  I offer unyielding support and perspective when you need to transcend your inner challenges and rise to your true potential.  Your journey to living a truly nourishing life starts here!


Breathe deeply, stay present and be well!


Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.

~1 Corinthians 6:19-20


"Mimi" April-Cyd Weiss has been in the field of Behavioral Health, Wellness and Disease Prevention for 25+ years, with a 20-year career as a senior consultant, manager, and educator at one of the nation’s largest healthcare organizations.  She also contributes as Lifestyle Medicine Consultant for a private medical group. 


Mimi is a certified coach specializing in Lifestyle Medicine, Emotional Wellness, Health & Wellness, Eating Psychology, and Holistic Nutrition.  She holds a Masters of Education in Health Promotion & Behavior; also certified in Plant-Based Nutrition, Raw Foods Living, and Relaxation Training. 


Additional Areas of expertise: Cognitive Restructuring, Mindful Communication, Relationships, Work-Life harmony, and Stress Management.

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